
The Remnant


TRG encounters girls who have been abused, who have been mistreated or made poor decisions. These girls are on the streets or have been removed from their homes by police or other authories.


Girls arriving at TRG often need immediate medical care. They are pregnant and in need of counselling. Healing of the body and the person takes time and TRG has trained caregivers onsite 24×7 to support and guide the girls.


Many girls arrive at TRG very bitter about their circumstances. It is not unusual for this bitterness to transfer to an unwanted child. Before the baby is born many girls need to find forgiveness for their situation, for themselves and even for their unborn child. The TRG team works with the girls daily (and all night long) to help them learn how to love and care for a new baby. In some cases, girls struggle to bond with the child. In time, mother learns the skills needed to begin their life as a mother. Sometimes the help of girl who has experienced similar circumstances can be the key to moving on.


As part of their process from “Rescue to Restoration”, TRG invests in family reconciliation when needed or in finding a safe place outside the family where the mother and babe can thrive. Once both are ready to begin their new life, they are relocated by TRG staff and monitored for a period to be sure they are thriving. 

Partnership with Arise

Arise staff in Uganda are significant TRG partners. We are engaged in practical ways and also at an organizational level. On many occasions, Terry has met with TRG girls to teach them crafts. Crafts exercise hand-eye coordination and has also given Terry a way to engage the girls. Andrew has provided a positive male figure and assisted in transporting pregnant mothers to the hospital. Arise further engages with TRG by providing important marketing, fundraising and administrative expertise. Together, Arise and TRG help young girls and their babies move from “Rescue to Restoration”.

“No on can go back and make a brand new start,
however anyone can start from now and make
a brand new ending.”

Children Arise Ministries
6021 West Saanich RD,
Victoria, BC,
Canada, V9E-2G4


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